It has been a sad February for the UK. A Brexit that should not have happened has happened. Disaster is a mild way of putting it.We are still not quite sure what is going to happen next. Boris thinks it will be a quick and smooth operation. Who is he kidding. It will be a long (years) and painful procedure and I doubt (mark my words) that leaving is the option. Never mind. In mid January I visited Stockholm (my hometown by the way) and Formex (interior- and gift fair of which I am the agent for in the UK. A nice and stimulating fair for interior workers. Like a lot of fairs these days, they are suffering from decreasing amount of exhibitors and visitors. All due to, the increasing Internet shopping, global warming and recycling trends, and the change in the way we shop. But as long as the fairs themselves and their exhibitors and visitors still have something to win from it, they will go on existing. Anyway, the trend forecast bureau Carlin (Paris) was invited to show how they see the future of shopping. They mixed islands of shopping with socialising (bit tables with growing decorations and where you could charge your phone or computer, work on your own or be with others. The colours, yellow and blue, they did not pick them for being the Swedish colours, funny enough. To me it looked like they just done a pop-up shop for Ikea! |