Wednesday 20 November 2019


Christmas is coming up, again. With Peace, Love and Understanding. Went to the 57, Bridge Street shop and restaurant in Usk, Wales yesterday with some good friends and enjoyed the festive decorations and good hearty food (Moroccan Style). Peace is what I and my family need more than ever at the moment. This Autumn was supposed to have been when we, after having moved from The Cotswolds and downsized, would start reaching out and start with the rest of our life. But, to our big surprise, our contract for the lovely renting flat we are in, was not renewed and we have had to quickly find a new home. We were lucky and found a small terraced house just a few blocks from where we live now and are just waiting for all the paperwork etc to pull through. After what we have been through this last five years with being totally let down by close family, selling a house when Brexit is overshadowing the whole of Britain, and loosing some big clients...we are now looking forward with new energy and hope.

Tomorrow I am finally having my cataract operation and that will limit my working on the computer for a week or so... We did have a very good time, though, last week going to Morocco and Essaouira where a very good friend of mine have built a fantastic mini boutique hotel in the middle of the desert. A calm and great week with nice walks, lunches by the beach, massage, swimming in the (cool) pool, wonderful dinners and nice company. It was a treat we gave ourselves (me and my husband Bruce) since we have our silver wedding anniversary coming up in December. We also took the time for a four day trip to Yorkshire being inspired by the author Peter Robinson and his books about DCI Banks and the fictive town of Eastvale. Another fab trip that I will tell you all about later...
Moroccan style food yesterday at 57 Bridge Street in Usk, Wales.

This will still be are view when we finally (hopefully) get into our new house before Christmas (or just after) but from the top of our new garden. Blorange in Abergavenny.

I will shortly come back with the story about our trip to Essaouira and Darboutazert. This is Argan tree country and they are listed so where the house my friends built was situated was partly dictated by these trees. 

Bruce, me, Peter and Reino (the creators and owners of Darboutazert Boutique Hotel) catching the afternoon sun in the courtyard. More from Morocco, Christmas in Wales, London etc coming up soon!

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