Tuesday 21 April 2020


Today is day 28 of the Corona Virus Lockdown. Started to feel locked in...even though we are allowed to take long walks everyday and I live in a very beautiful area with lots of accessible walks and paths in the stunning Brecon Beacon National Park and the Black Mountains. Trying to stay sane and healthy be eating well, walking and keeping busy with housework and gardening and a bit of my own work. It is hard to stay in a good mood every day when you sort of live like there is no tomorrow. Nothing to look forward to. Trying to make the week normal by having a boring, normal Monday and Tuesday and then slowly get into weekend mood by Wednesday and Thursday...I keep thinking of the Frank family in Amsterdam during World War II who were locked away in silence and darkness for two years...

At the same time in nature life goes on as normal. Saw some wild garlic yesterday on our daily walk. Unfortunately not enough to pick.
In Sweden we talk about the time between the flowering of the Birds Cherry and the Lilacs. Meaning the hight of spring. These days with the global warming (minimally slowing down now due to lockdown)in Sweden the Birds Cherry and the Lilacs have been in bloom at the same time. But this spring here in Abergavenny we have had the time "mellan Hägg och Syrén".

Trying to keep some beauty indoors as well! More soon from me in lockdown.

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